
This is where "posts" will go. Maybe. Just need a place where I can put stuff down, especially since I cannot comment on Neocities for the first week.

December 20, 2024:

I made a little animation and I'm not sure where to post it. It's not polished enough for pixiv, I think, but I guess it could be. Problem with posting animations on pixiv is it has to be an image sequence or a GIF, and not a video file. The quality isn't great. But I was inspired by creators who do post GIF previews on pixiv and link to the full video. I make animations out of the still images I generate with Stable Diffusion. Maybe one day I'll plaster my site with random animations, heh. I like the idea of making my own stuff rather than collecting assets from around the internet, as was the trend in the period this domain is inspired by.

Anyway, I could post it here. I'm considering adapting a webcomic template and posting not only random images and animations but even some comic strips I have made. Not sure if I should just post them all in the same series or have multiple pages with related entries grouped together. I guess that would make it easier to separate them by NSFW-ness, in case visitors prefer to avoid that. I wonder if there's a "spoiler" sort of tag in HTML...

There sure is! Here's the animation hidden in the "details" tag. Apparently free users aren't allowed to upload MP4s, so uh... Never mind for now. Go here to view it instead ( It's supposed to loop, so if you download it and play it in a media player that can do that, it'll look a bit better.

Two catgirls kissing (not explicit, but certainly suggestive)

Anyway, if you happen to be reading this, let me know if you are aware of places that kind of have the same vibe as Neocities (independent creators sharing stuff freely rather than a typical social media "platform") that would be suitable for sharing this kind of work. Maybe it's here. I'm just concerned about visibility, whether anyone who might enjoy it will actually find it. I'd like to connect with people who have similar tastes. I'll happily support Neocities if I can find that sort of community here.